Reviews of the Best Alvarez Guitars!
In today’s marketplace, Alvarez Guitars stand out as truly unique instruments; each piece is not only a work of art, but has a sound all its own.
Click images below for reviews of these great Alvarez models ...
 AF410 Folk
Decent quality Guitar for Small Players |
All Solid Wood Guitar |
Solid wood, attractive guitar |
Old Ways Are Best
Some things never change, and Alvarez prides itself on crafting each of its top-tier guitars in the same way that Japanese luthier Kazuo Yairi did when he founded the company in 1965.
Yairi came from a family of musical instrument craftsmen who would only make their instruments from what they considered to be properly seasoned wood. The mahogany and rosewood that they chose for their creations was air dried and kiln dried. Sometimes it took up to 15 years. But this method of wood drying is considered to be one of the best methods, and the results were guitars that had a rich and mellow sound to them.
The Alvarez Guitar factory is now based in St. Louis, Missouri and this facility manufactures many of the Alvarez models. Alvarez also has a parent company (LOUD Technologies, Inc.) based in Woodinville, Washington. That said, top tier Alvarez Acoustic Guitars are still created by Kazuo Yairi at the Yairi factory in Kani, Gifu-Japan. Limited edition Alvarez Yairi guitars are still handmade using traditional construction techniques, and therefore these one-of-a-kind instruments have unique feel and sound. Teh more affordable Alvarez models are manufactured in China and shipped to the U.S. headquarters in St. Louis.
Alvarez Guitars is also known for only making acoustic and electric-acoustic guitars. This is a plus in a time of mass-production, as the company can focus on quality of acoustics rather than quantity, ensuring that Alvarez Acoustic Guitars will retain their place as top-of-the-line acoustic instruments.
Alvarez Artists
Some claim that Alvarez acoustic guitars are the best acoustic guitars made. This fact certainly seems to be supported by some of the better known names who play Alvarez Guitars. Perhaps you’ve heard of Seether, or Pete Yorn? Both are Alvarez players, as is Duncan Shiek, Ani DeFranco, Bret Michaels, Kit Winger and Laura Clapp. Not to mention Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills & Nash fame, David Crosby and guitar legend Carlos Santana.
Popular Models
Some of the better known models of Alvarez Acoustic Guitars include the Yairi CY118; a classical guitar with a solid cedar top, rosewood back, mahogany neck and ebony fretboard. Even the rosette is classy, created out of a wood mosaic. The price may be a bit steep at about $1,300, but it is well worth the price.
Another popular model is the Alvarez MD711 Masterworks Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar. The sound of this model is full and rich, but nicely balanced and is a good deal less expensive than the Yairi at less than $1,000.
Why an Alvarez?
In a day of machine-made everything, it is good to know that there are some things still being made by hand. And being able to play one of the hand-crafted Alvarez Acoustic Guitars can lend a guitarist a sense of distinction that other brands and models may be lacking. Add to that the awesome tonal distinction of an Alvarez, it becomes clear that these instruments are far and away some of the best guitars being made today.
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