Rainsong Graphite Guitars

by Anonymous

What do you think of Rainsong graphite acoustic guitars? How does their sound compare to a wood guitar? Thx!

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by: Elston Graubart

I have tested several different Rainsong Carbon-fibre guitars (CFG's) and one thing is clear. As long as there are wooden guitars, the CFG will never replace them. As beautiful as the graphites look and sound, and as durable as they may be, there's a certain "sameness" which they all share. Wooden guitars have personality...character. Wooden guitars age and with this ageing comes tonal improvement. With a CFG, when you take it out of the box, it sounds great; but that's as good as it's ever liable to get. For musicians who live and/or work where there are extremes in temperature and/or humidity, the CFG is probably a good investment. If you can afford to buy one of these to add to a collection...OK. If you're going to travel a lot....ok. But I don't think the wooden guitar has competition here...just an interesting companion.

Can't say enough good things...
by: Jim Basara (Guitar Affair)

I rent high end guitars to professionals who need instruments for weekend gigs and to business professionals who want a nice guitar to play while on a business trip or vacation. For acoustics, I stock Rainsongs and some other high-end wooden instruments, but the Rainsongs are my go-to acoustic guitars.

Naturally, since they are carbon fiber, I don't have to worry about the neck needing adjustment due to climate changes during shipping. But the tone is outstanding. Not the same as wood, but every bit as good. The new generation of carbon fiber instruments no longer have that "plasticy" tone to them. They sound very, very natural, with bright ringing highs, warm mids, and thick lows. I've had many professionals pause when I suggested the go with a carbon fiber acoustic for their gig, but 100 percent of them were very impressed with the Rainsong guitars and many of them now specifically request a Rainsong.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that wood guitars are a thing of the past, but I would definitely say that carbon fibers will be in the mainstream in then near future.

Loving the Rainsong Acoustic Guitars
by: Graham (Edmonton Ab Canada)

I believe the solid wood guitar is a relic. There is no way ANY wooden guitar can compare to a graphite.

The reign of the laminate as a party/campfire guitar is also in jeopardy. These Rainsongs are in a league of their own. There is no competition. They can go from the deep-freeze to the oven...they're probably microwave and dishwasher-safe, too. In a nutshell, if you can afford a top-line Gibby or Martin or Taylor guitar, you can get a far superior instrument for half as much from Rainsong. Unless you are a collector, there is no valid reason to buy anything else given that you can afford one of these.

I'm a die-hard Seagull fan....I love my mini-jumbo. But neither it nor ANY other guitar I've ever played comes close to these Rainsongs in tone, projection, playability or durability. And these things are really LOUD....even unplugged...The one I tried was also light and comfortable....VERY light and comfortable.

To do these instruments justice, one would sound like a carnival snake-oil salesman. All I can say is, try one. I can't explain to anyone who hasn't, and there's no need if they have.

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