Online Homeschool Curriculum

Benefits of Music Education

Online Homeschool Curriculum Seeking a online homeschool curriculum for music? When children learn to play musical instruments, they learn much more than just how to perform! Those parents who homeschool will especially appreciate these benefits. Check-out the online homeschool curriculum for acoustic guitar.

Parents find that music lessons for kids not only improve their children's memorization and small motor skills, but strongly contribute to the building of their child's self-confidence. This in turn helps children succeed not only in music, but in school and other outside activities. Both children and their parents find it truly rewarding when a child reaches a pre-set goal or milestone; whether that is learning a new song, performing in front of others or just finding enjoyment in music.

According to a recent National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) report:
- More than half of U.S. households (52%) has at least one person, age 5 or older, who currently plays a musical instrument

- 85% of Americans believe that music is a very important part of their life

- 82% of Americans wish they had learned to play a musical instrument, and 67% expressed an interest in learning to play

- 94% of respondents believe music is part of a well-rounded education, and that schools should offer instrument music instruction as part of the regular curriculum

- 85% believe participation in school music corresponds with better grades and higher test scores

- Seniors are turning to music making as not just an enjoyable pastime, but also for the health and wellness benefits such as enhanced immune systems, stress reduction, and staving off depression and loneliness

Musicians Are Probably Smarter Than The Rest Of Us

According to a study cited by The Huffington Post in July 2011, "The experience of musicians play a role in how sharp their minds are. The younger the musicians begin to play their instruments, the better their minds perform at the mental tasks. Additionally, the total number of years musicians play instruments throughout their life corresponded with how strong their brains remain years later."

Music for Autistic and Dyslexic Children

According to research from Northwestern University, music training helps shape a child's sensory system. Playing an instrument may help children process speech in noisy classrooms and children recognize sound patterns in speech. Homeschooling a child with special needs? Music may help special needs children, such as autistic and dyslexic children, encode speech more accurately.

Seeking Homeschool Curriculum?

Claudette offers homeschool curriculum reviews, including reviews of Abeka, Rod & Staff and several Spanish curriculum.

Learn the basics. You'll find homeschool curriculum guides, high school plans, testing tips, and other helpful resources.

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