Learn Acoustic Guitar with Jamorama!
Are you looking for a fast, comprehensive and inexpensive way to learn acoustic guitar? Look no further! Jamorama – The Ultimate Acoustic Guitar Learning System is quickly making a name for itself as one of the cheapest and quickest way to learn acoustic guitar available today.
Let’s face it, what is one of the biggest downfalls when you’re learning to play the acoustic guitar? Well, there’s two actually; cost and sticking with it long enough to actually learn how to play. Most of those who start lessons and then quit do so because they get bogged down in theory and technical terminology and get bored with endless chord practices and the boredom of learning to read music. Well, the acoustic version of Jamorama changes all of that.
‘Jamorama –The Ultimate Acoustic Guitar Learning System’ is the brainchild of the guitar master Ben Edwards, the creator of the well-known Jamorama! guitar course that has sold so well over the last few years. It is put together in such a way that learning to play the acoustic guitar actually becomes fun, though sometimes the fun seems to come at the cost of learning foundational skills.
Yes, I said fun! I know that may offend the sensibilities of some musicians out there, but the Jamorama acoustic guitar course actually includes games to teach you certain techniques as well as “Jam Tracks” that let you play along with pre-recorded music in order to get a feel for real guitar playing. This lighthearted approach makes Jamorama a great choice for kids and teenagers who are want to learn acoustic guitar but who really don’t have the patience for all the theory and technical information that usually goes into learning to play.
Ben Edwards’ no-nonsense approach on how to learn acoustic guitar scores high because it will keep the kids’ interest. In addition, parents will feel as if it is money well spent because the acoustic version comes with 153 video lessons that don’t muck around with theory but get you playing guitar as quickly as possible. Mind you the videos are not as high of quality as the lessons you get online. In fact, the videos themselves actually contain very little content when you compare them to other lessons, but when you take into consideration that it actually captures the kids’ attention and keeps their interest it doesn’t seem like such a bad deal after all.
You’ll be amazed, because instead of having to prod your child to practice, they’ll be doing it on their own. I introduced my daughter using Jamorama hoping to be able to get her past her aversion for practicing scales and had to blink when she came home from school announced that she was going upstairs to practice! Her playing has improved immensely, so you won’t hear me complain. I’m a little concerned because she seems to be skipping those parts of the courses that require you to read PDF files (which seems to be quite a bit), but the point is that she’s definitely showing an interest again, and that is my main concern!

However, if you’re looking for a guitar program on DVD that has a little more substance, you may want to consider the Learn and Master Guitar program, which dedicates a lot more of its content to the mastery of guitar techniques.
In fact, while the acoustic version of Jamorama leans more towards kids in its approach to learning to play, it is also a great choice for adults who don’t have the time or patience to learn all of the ins and outs of guitar playing. This course will help you learn acoustic guitar in as short a time as possible and you’ll find lots of tips, tricks and techniques included that will enable you to cut corners and impress your friends in no time! By the end of the course you’ll even be able to read guitar TAB, which will expand your horizon of music choices considerably.
Another decided plus of Jamorama is the fact that unlike pricier video programs or members only online guitar websites, Jamorama can be yours for a relatively low, one-time fee of just $49.95, and you don’t have to wait for it to come in the mail like other video programs, you can download it instantly. All of this makes the entire process much easier for you!
From being a bare bones beginner to actually making music, Jamorama is truly a shortcut worth waiting for and can open the door not just too learning acoustic guitar, but to a whole lifetime’s worth of music.
Other Acoustic Guitar Lessons
Acoustic Guitar Lesson - Overview
Easy Guitar Lesson - Gibson
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Learn Acoustic Guitar - Jamorama
Learn to Play Guitar Online - JamPlay
How to Play Guitar Online - Guitar Tricks
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