Kirby Rocks Acoustic Guitar!

by Wendy Fisher

My favorite acoustic guitar player, besides my husband, is Kirby Swinemar. Kirby is an SBIer(Site Build It), SBI instructor and recently split his SBI sites into several. He has attended several SBI conferences... usually in the spring.

His site has free acoustic guitar lessons too... and visitors order by the song itself.

This is his video on the Ventura Highway by America for you to enjoy! While this is not a particularly easy acoustic guitar song for beginners, a slightly more experienced guitar player will appreciate this lesson.

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Feb 10, 2019
Great guitar player NEW
by: Paul Cabral

Kirby, You are a great guitar player and have a beautiful singing voice to go with it. I would love to hear you in person somewhere, somehow. I’m really impressed. I followed your lesson on Tequilla Sunrise as best I could and was blown away. What I wouldn’t give to have just a fraction of your talent! Hope you get this message ok. Thanks for giving your time to us beginners.

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