Fender Acoustic Guitars: Sonoran S

by Guitar Guru

”Good Acoustic Guitar with Good Vibrations”

The Fender Sonoran S Acoustic Guitar has a look and feel all its own. With a unique Strat® guitar headstock and a C-shaped maple neck, this sleekly designed little number definitely gives off good vibrations just looking at it, and some of those good vibrations translate into the sound as well.

Built on a single cutaway Fender style dreadnought body, the Sonoran has a solid spruce top and mahogany sides and back that give it a warmth and richness as smooth as a surfer’s dream wave, and its resonance and sustain aren’t bad either. It’s a downright good acoustic guitar for beginners. Also at ~$279, one other guitar that matches the Sonoran for both quality of tone and uniqueness of appearance is the Ibanez AC240 Atwood Grand Concert Acoustic Guitar.

That said, the Ibanez is indeed a Grand Concert, not a dreadnought, and made with a solid mahogany top, which gives it a flavor all its own. The curviness of the Grand Concert shape may be more manageable for those who cannot handle the dreadnought body. With the Fender, however, you get a truly unusual look to complement its well-rounded tone, and some serious good vibrations that make you smile.

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Comments for Fender Acoustic Guitars: Sonoran S

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Jun 10, 2015
great comments NEW
by: Wortham

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Sep 17, 2011
by: Graham

As Fender's acoustic guitars go, this one's ok for the price. It is, however, not a cutaway as described, and more is the pity. The swirling 'Fender' headstock appeals to budding rockers and so would a cutaway!

Sep 16, 2011
Good Acoustic Guitar with Good Vibrations
by: Guitar Guru

Good Acoustic Guitar with Good Vibrations

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