Fender Acoustic Guitars: CD100 Left- Handed

by Guitar Guru

”Cheap Left Handed Guitar”

The Fender CD100 Left-Handed Acoustic Guitar is a lot of guitar for a very reasonable price. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find a good quality – and affordable – left-handed guitar. Well, Fender has come up with the solution; the CD100LH.

The CD100LH is built on a dreadnought body but is strung for the left-handed player, meaning that now even southpaws can produce that rich, deep sound that makes dreadnoughts such a popular choice in guitars. And while the CD100LH does not have the richness of sound or sustain due to it having a laminated spruce top instead of a solid top, its cedar top and mahogany back and sides combined with the dreadnought body give it a big, mellow sound that will not disappoint. Some may prefer its matted “satin” finish over the high gloss finish of other models. This guitar is very light-weight, making it a good travelling gig guitar.

At just ~$229, the CD100LH is a good beginner acoustic guitar for left-handed players, and will enable even left-handed players to be able to afford a well-made instrument. Once the beginning guitarist has progressed, they may want to consider upgrading to a different left-handed model. But for the beginning acoustic guitarist, the Fender CD100LH is an excellent choice.

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Sep 17, 2011
Cheap Left Handed Guitar
by: Guitar Guru

Cheap Left Handed Guitar

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