Dean Guitar: Tradition S2
by Guitar Guru
”Traditionally Styled Guitar at Rock Bottom Price”The Dean Tradition S2 Acoustic Guitar has everything it needs to be a great acoustic guitar for beginners. Built on a dreadnought body, the S2 has a
solid spruce top and laminate mahogany back and sides to give you a full-bodied sound that will keep its tune far better than a laminate top ever could.
Guitar reviews will agree that the best guitar for beginners is one that has a solid top since it gives you the best overall tone. And a guitar with a good tone provides a positive feedback loop for beginning guitarists. The better the sound, the more they are going to want to play. The more they play the better they will get. Before you know it they have mastered the art of guitar playing. This is why a good quality instrument is so important, even for beginning guitarists, and the Dean Tradition S2 is definitely a good starter guitar.
The Dean Tradition S2 has the breadth and depth of body that have come to be expected from dreadnoughts. It is the size and shape of a dreadnought that gives it its signature sound and has made the dreadnought the most popular guitar style of all time.
At just ~$239 the S2 is really quite a good deal, though it tends to rasp a bit on the lower notes due to somewhat poor construction. Of course if you want a guitar that has a slightly better overall tone and doesn’t have the same problem with the strings, you can get the solid top
Washburn WD 10S Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar
for just ~$10 more. The Dean Tradition S2 does have the advantage of looks, however, and the darker sunburst pattern of the Dean gives it the air of a much older guitar. It will look great hanging on your wall or on a stand in your living room, or even in a
Musician's Gear Deluxe Dreadnought Case
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