Beginner Guitar for Short Fingers
by Sherry
I am a 57 year old woman who has decided to finally learn to play the guitar,something I've always dreamed of doing. The problem I'm having, I am 5'2" and have short fingers and have read so much on the net about this, that I am thoroughly frustrated.
I have held several different makes but my budget right now won't allow me to spend $500 on a GS Mini which felt like it was part of me. I also like the Ibanez TCY10; the neck and body style felt very comfortable.
I've been told the acoustic-electric would be easier for me to learn on and won't be as disturbing to others when I'm practicing. I would like to spend around $300 for everything I need, but when I go to the guitar stores, the sales people don't seem to be very accommodating when I ask to try so many guitars, and want push me to that $500 figure.
Maybe you could recommend 3 or 4 models that will fit me and my budget so I won't be taking up the sales person's time.