Dflat6 Guitar Chord

Alternative Names: Dbmaj6, Db6, C#6, C#maj6

Dflat6 Guitar Chord

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How is the Db6 (or Dflat6 guitar chord) contructed? The sixth note of the Db major scale is (Bb), so a Db6 chord will simply be the Db major triad (Db, F, Ab) plus the sixth note (Bb). Said differently, a Db6 chord is made up of intervals 1 3 5 6, or notes Db F Ab Bb.

This Db6 or Dbmaj6 chord is not the same as the "Db6 Power Chord". The Db6 Power Chord, not shown here, contains only 2 notes; Db (root) and Bb (6th note); intervals 1 and 6.

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